#SenatorCynthiaVillar was special (virtual) guest during the TESDA Graduation Exercises in Organic Agriculture Production NC2 at #BOSISRuralFamilyFarmSchool at SINP (Samar Island Natural Park) Resort, Brgy. Campo Uno, Paranas, Samar. Graduates were from Calapi National High School, Brgy. Calapi, Motiong, Samar. Other Guest were:
Danilo Miralles (BOSIS Rural Farm School President), Engr. Enrico Banario (Samar TESDA Provinvial Director),Hon. Vice Mayor Engr. Yolanda T. Tan, Paranas, Samar and Dr. Renno Jose B. Gabuya (School Head, Calapi National High School), among others.
