At the 28th Bureau of Agriculture Research Anniversary and 11th Agri and Fisheries Technology Forum

Focusing on the global competence of the Philippine products and technologies generated from research and development (R&D), the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) sets the stage for this year’s 11th Agriculture and Fisheries Technology Forum and Product Exhibition on 7-9 August 2015 at SM Megatrade Hall 2, Mandaluyong City with the theme, “Teknolohiyang Pangsakahan at Pangisdaan: Tulay sa Mas Maunlad na Pilipinas Patungo sa Pandaigdigang Kakayanan.”
Highlight R&D breakthroughs and to provide new perspectives on technology commercialization are partner-institutions, R&D institutions, private sector, and other R&D stakeholders.
Senator Cynthia S. Villar, chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture and Food, serves as the keynote speaker along with Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala to give an inspirational message. Also present is Dr. William Dar.
The three-day event is in line with the activities and program thrusts of the National Technology Commercialization Program (NTCP), a banner program of BAR. The event also opens opportunities for agri-prenuers and enterpreneursto capitalize on various R&D technologies that were already developed and generated, for the farmers and fisherfolk to showcase their own produce as well as for the private sector to adopt these technologies on a commercial scale.
BAR Director Nicomedes P. Eleazar recognizes the strong partnership and significant role of its partner agencies in developing and generating new technologies for farmers and fisherfolk, the seminar series for this year featured presentations are from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the WorldFish Center on the “Heirloom Project: Philippine DA Partnership FSSP” and “Aquaculture Future: Fish Supply and Demand Scenarios and the Sustainable Growth of Aquaculture in the Philippines”, respectively and the biomass technologies from Dr. Praveen Venkata Vadlani of the Kansas State University. Three books were also launched 1) The Philippine Biofuels Industry, 2) Mineral Profile of Forages and Its Influence on Goat Nutrition, and 3) Pests and Diseases of Economically Important Crops in the Philippines. The last two publications were funded under BAR’s Scientific Publication Grant (SPG).