A team composed of inspectors from BAFS-Organic Agriculture Division and DA-RFO 5 Regulatory Division conducted an inspection of five core PGS group farmer-members in Camarines Sur for the scopes of crop production, animal production, and processing—organic milled rice on May 9–10, 2023.
PGS is a process of certifying organic products, which ensures that their production takes place in accordance with laid-down quality standards. PGS often serves smallholder farmers and local markets. Costs of participation are low and mostly take the form of voluntary time involvement rather than financial expenses. It is P2,000 per product per year vs P200,000.00 under the Third Party Certification. Moreover, paperwork is reduced, making it more accessible to small operators.
RA 11511 or An Act Amending the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, signed on December 23, 2020, authored by Senator Cynthia Villar, aims to institutionalize the PGS as an organic certification scheme.
