The 4-H name represents four personal development areas of focus for the organization: head, heart, hands, and health. ]The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach.

Though typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization as a result of its history, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs. The 4-H motto is "To make the best better", while its slogan is "Learn by doing" .
Sen. Cynthia Villar made this statement during the two-day workshop called “Youth as Agri-Entrepreneurs: Strengthening Agricultural Youth Organizations for Poverty Reduction.” Facilitator is Under Secretary Edel Guuiza of Office of the Presidential Assistant on Food Security and Modernization together with Dr. Jose Robert Howkins of New York University. The theme for the conference is Poverty Reduction and Agricultural Development.
"Our young people still adequate interest in agriculture. We just have to keep that interest going. We have to keep their desire to get involved in agriculture alive,” Villar said.
The chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food said involving the youth in agriculture is crucial, considering that Filipino farmers are getting old, with their average age pegged at 57.
The workshop was initiated by Villar’s SIPAG (Social Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Governance), with the Department of Agriculture Agricultural Training Institute and was held in Pulang Lupa Uno, Las Piñas.
Around a hundred youth leaders from different parts of the country attended the event. The participants are current vice presidents of the 4H Club of the Philippines, also known as the country’s young farmers.